
Montlake Terrace Energy Demonstration Project

The Montlake Terrace Energy Demonstration Project, focused on the City’s Town-Center defined a broad range of energy efficiency measures for adoption in renovated and new buildings . The project created an “Energy Efficiency Resource Guide” for multi-family structures, together with access to expertise delivered through an “Energy Advocate” program. Downtown parcels were over-laid with energy use targets expressed as “Energy Zoning”.

Energy Planning & Policy Analysis
Over 60 completed projects for cities, counties, federal and state governments in the United States and Canada. From energy efficiency action plans to financing strategies for renewable energy supply to the modelling of energy use in transportation.
Energy Technical Assistance
Enery Technical Assistance Icon transparent
We have created a wide range of technical assistance programs in sustainability and alternative energy. These have provided pragmatic guidance for management and staff at local governments with diverse resident population, development patterns and financial resources communicated through manuals and work sessions.

Michael Weinstein

1610 33rd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122